Want to be a press liaison? I need a replacement.

Remember yesterday when I asked, “Could you do this job?” I meant it. I’m stepping down from my position this year.

I’ve really enjoyed my two years as Anime USA’s official press liaison. The journalists are a pleasure to work with and I’ve really learned to appreciate the PR people who have to put up with my journalistic requests. I’ve become better organized. I’ve made a lot of new friends and even professional connections.

However, after two years I feel that I’ve learned all I can from this position. It’s time for me to move on to something new. Still, every convention needs a press liaison, and I’d like to offer you the chance to become my successor.

Being a press liaison is a valuable experience that even traditional employers recognize. I’ve used my convention experience as an example of my organization and PR skills during job interviews and on my resume. It’s one of the positions that has helped me to get a good job, and I’d like to give somebody else that same opportunity.

Volunteering for a con has been some of the most fun I’ve ever had. You get to work with people who share your interests and team up toward a common goal. And did I mention that at the end of the year, there’s a free convention to attend?

You read Wednesday’s post, so I know you have what it takes.

Interested? Live in Maryland, DC, or Virginia? Send me an email and we’ll talk about the next step.