Who are you and why are you here?


My weekend was just as geeky as you’d expect from somebody who runs a blog called Otaku Journalist.

I built an Acguy mobile suit model. I went to Magfest, where I played Star Trek (and Mario, and Doctor Who) pinball. And after no less than five recommendations over the weekend, I powered through Kids on the Slope.

But when it came time to write Monday’s blog post, I drew a blank. In a moment of desperation, I asked for help on Twitter (and you had some great suggestions), but nothing felt right.

It took a 4 AM epiphany to figure out why. The truth is, I want to get to know you a little better. I want every blog post to be like an email to you and feel a little less like my currently trepidatious practice of typing out into the void.

When I worked for the Daily Dot, we did so much reader analysis that I could practically imagine my target audience in front of me. I always visualized a 20 or 30-something guy who reads both the New York Times and Buzzfeed. When I wrote for him, I made sure not to patronize somebody who obviously knows his way around a computer, but I always defined fandom and Internet culture terms. Reader analysis doesn’t have to compromise anyone’s privacy; just give us enough to get an idea to figure out who we’re talking to. You can see how this is better for readers, who can expect content directed precisely toward their interests.

With those goals in mind, I’ve prepared a brief five-question survey for you. If you’d like to take part in this optional and totally anonymous exercise, fill out the form here.

Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you!