- I’ve started Mushi-shi and it’s very atmospheric. I loved illegenes’ post about how in Mushi-shi, storytelling is a healing practice.
- “People are fans because they’re damaged in some way.” Terebifunhouse explores how this fallacious statement is used to justify and excuse antisocial behavior in fandom, and why it needs to stop.
- On that same note, Dr. Nerdlove provides some suggestions on how we can start improving our fandom by refusing to tolerate harassment.
- In defense of weeaboos. Mike shared this YouTube video with me that explains that when we make fun of weeaboos, more often than not we’re making fun of young teenagers still figuring out their identities.
- My friend and fellow author Nathan Meunier just released his latest guidebook, Freelance Writing Hacks: 55 Tips For Word Mercenary Success. Nathan sent me an advance copy, and it’s the kind of advice I think every freelancer should know.
- This is why Kami-nomi became an anime fan: because every now and then, he watches a show that renders him speechless.
- Finally, taking a moment to plug myself. I’m teaching a WordPress blog construction workshop in DC next month, and it’s gonna be great!
Screenshot via Mushi-shi, episode 2.