A few of my favorite blogs

yuyushiki23775Let’s cut to the chase—I’m in a little over my head right now.

I’ve got two part time jobs at ReadWrite and WordPress. Plus my smaller gigs at The Women’s Book and at Otaku USA. I’d say that adds up to a full time job plus overtime. On top of that, I’ll be married in 25 days, and keeping track of that feels like a job in itself.

These are all really good problems to have, so I’m not complaining. I’m just offering an explanation for my recent inability to stick to my blogging schedule lately. Or putting out any new vlogs or digital guides. (Though those are in the works, I swear!)

So instead of rushing out a post, I thought I’d share with you a few of the blogs I’ve been reading lately. Maybe you already read them; maybe these are brand new. Check them out:

The Untold Story of Altair and Vega

Here you’ll find in-depth anime commentary that takes cues from psychology, mythology, and sociology. If somebody ever tells you they think anime is “just cartoons,” send them here! They examine the genre more like you would a college textbook than anything else.

Awesome recent post: Aku no Hana is Good.*

Beneath the Tangles

Although I don’t identify with any religious belief, I am a huge fan of Charles’ Christian anime blog. As somebody who also runs a blog with two topics, I think he’s accomplishing a difficult task well. He asks the tough questions and his anime-Christianity tie-ins never seem forced.

Awesome recent post: God’s Pursuit in The 12 Kingdoms

The Border House

I don’t play games as often as I watch anime and read manga, so this is my only regular game related read. This group blog covers video games and gaming culture from an inclusive perspective, considering the rights of women, minorities, LGBTQ individuals, and the disabled. It’s also where I first heard about Long Live The Queen!

Awesome recent post: All Skulls On: Teaching Intersectionality through Halo

The Cart Driver

Probably the most comprehensive and famous anime blog out there. Founding author Scamp even made the Daily Dot’s list of the 10 most influential fans of 2012—and I didn’t even write it. Scamp has an eye for patterns and tropes in anime, and his critiques are spot on. Sometimes I’m not even sure what the heck I just watched until I read a recap here.

Awesome recent post: Oreimo season 2 episode 4 — What happened?

Thanks to my dwindling free time and Google Reader shutting down, that’s all I’m reading regularly right now. Do you have any suggestions for blogs to add to the list? Personally, I’d like to read your own, especially since you’re reading mine right now!

A reminder: I am opening up Otaku Journalist to guest posts. Interested? Read all about it here.

(Screenshot via Yuyushiki.)