- Ever wondered how fans watch anime in Japan? Frog-kun investigates. As I mentioned in my travel diary, I used a VPN that spoofed my home address to watch anime in Japan.
- This Answerman column is purportedly about why Japan’s population is declining, but does a great job explaining how overseas audiences are beginning to influence anime projects.
- Forbes reporter Ollie Barder lives in Tokyo and manages to snag some seriously fascinating interviews. His latest is a chat with former Shounen Jump editor Kazuhiko Torishima on what it was like to oversee Dragon Ball and help create Dragon Quest.
- This puts a huge, stupid smile on my face: a dad read Gunpla 101 and bought each of his kids their first Gunpla kit.
- By the way, I’ve been updating Gunpla 101 for a change. My painting tutorial is massive, took me two weeks, and includes about 20 photos of me working on every step of the process.
- Things are going well for Anime Feminist, and it just reached 100 Patreon patrons! (I feel a little silly about my post telling people with new sites not to start Patreons.) Amelia wrote an FAQ about the site’s first week. I’m halfway through my first essay and hope to share it next link list.
- The secret behind internet erotica icon Chuck Tingle: his own life may be the best story he’s ever written. Is Chuck Tingle’s online persona real? Nobody knows for sure, but Aja makes the case in this fascinating long read.
- And finally, parody site Anime Maru ranks this season by the only measurement that counts: ‘Keijo!!!!!!!!’ Tops Fall Season in Exclamation Points.
Painting by Fuzichoco. You can get a puzzle of this image at the Playing Grounded Kickstarter.