- How to Interview Japanese Manga Artists: Tips for Western Journalists. Deb Aoki is one of the best working journalists in the manga sphere, and she’s just posted some advice that could help you be a better journalist, too.
- An interview with Lexi, 19, the Fall Out Boy-loving Ferguson police supporter who became a meme. This is such a great example of a journalist having a respectful interview with somebody he disagrees with that serves both his source and his audience.
- My steamy night with a dolphin furry. An interesting confessional about one of the most unmentionable geek subcultures. It’s fascinating how the way outsiders predominantly perceive furries so deeply affects their understanding of themselves.
- The Grammar of Clickbait. This article is a year old, but still a great resource on bloggings’ biggest clichés.
- Ash Ambirge of The Middle Finger Project has some business advice I obviously agree with: Please, I Beg You, Get A Niche. Also amazing: A Meditation on Shit-Talkers.
- 8 Crucial Budgeting Lessons I Learned From Having A Fluctuating Income. Ever since I left my last regularly salaried job at ReadWrite, this is my life. This is how I can travel even when I’m not sure how much money I’ll be pulling in the next month.
- This Book Is A Dungeon is my friend Nathan Meunier’s new interactive fiction project. I don’t know what impresses me more—Nathan’s creativity or his productivity. He is constantly churning out books and projects all the time!
- I’m still watching: visual feast God Eater, shounen throwback Ushio & Tora, and moe slice-of-life Castle Town Dandelion. In my spare time: My love Story! and Monster Girls. I’m sure that last one raises a few eyebrows and I’m going to need to write about it soon.