Otaku Links: What is this I can’t even


First off, it’s ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! The Otaku Journalism book is fully formatted and will be on sale sometime next week! I’m so exciting to finally share it with the world, and I wanted my readers to be the first to know.

Now, onto the links:

  • From the design studio that conceptualized the XBox 360 comes Stolen Jewels, a highly pixelated accessory line.
  • The Daily Dot explored how tabletop games became such a big part of our plugged in world. Part of the answer: Wil Wheaton.
  • Why Obama’s Between Two Ferns appearance worked. From the article:

Obama’s presidency has overlapped with the rise of the meme, and both he and Michelle have taken advantage of this.

  • How bronies are redefining what it means to be a man in America.

Photo by Mike&Maaike Studio