Otaku Links: Writers, slackers, bloggers, fighters


  • Kotaku wrote about the Fighting Is Magic brony game kerfuffle. Hasbro may have sent a C&D, but Lauren Faust is coming to the rescue with original characters. I understand Hasbro’s obligation to protect its copyright, but since the game wasn’t for profit, I thought it’d be easier for them to come to an agreement.
  • How much should a writer be paid, if anything? This is especially fascinating to me since most of the discussion participants are editors, some of whom I plan on pitching soon! (Side note: when did Branch happen? Seems like social networks are popping up overnight.)

Sorry for the blogging silence lately. I’m actually working on a pretty intense redesign for Otaku Journalist—involving both content and appearance. Hope to be back on schedule soon!

(Photo via Equestria Gaming.)