Read Covering live events, my latest free journalism guide


Would you like to attend conventions… professionally?

Would you like to report on hard-hitting journalism topics like anime and video games? Meet your geek heroes and not get tongue-tied about what to ask them? Learn about and share the coolest subculture news with fellow fans?

It’s always been my dream to report on geek topics, and never is living the dream more real to me than when I’m at an event, surrounded by the energy of other fans. That’s why I wrote Covering live events. At 25 pages, it’s my longest guide yet, but it’s been slimmed down to my best tips. From planning story ideas to figuring out what to pack, I’ve taken everything I know about live coverage and written it down here.

Download your free copy of Covering live events here!

Like it? Have feedback? Send me an email and let me know. I put these out for your benefit, and I want to know what you think.

You’ll notice that usually, I put out a grayed out image to represent the next guide in the bookstore, and there isn’t one this time, even though there are two more to go. I’ve decided that, after a year and 30,000 words, these digital guides need a good edit. I’m going to take them more seriously by hiring a copy editor and an illustrator, and then release them as a Kindle book later on.

I think it’s time I realize that this project is getting bigger than me now, and I want to make sure it can do the most possible good for aspiring journos. So watch this space. Next time I talk about the guides, it’ll be to announce bigger plans!