Otaku Journalist Is A Site By And For Passionate Fans

I offer career advice to geeky professionals.

I build websites for passionate entrepreneurs.

I report on niche topics and communities.

Meet the Otaku Journalist

blog_sidebar_headI’m Lauren Orsini, a web developer, anime blogger, and avid student of fan culture. My reporting has appeared on ReadWrite, CNN, Forbes, Kotaku, PBS, the Daily Dot, and numerous other outlets. I have written or contributed to several books, most recently Cosplay: The Fantasy World of Role Play. I am also a web developer who specializes in WordPress theme building.

My geeky interests include watching anime and building Gundam models, but what I really geek out about the most are, well, my fellow geeks. I am in awe of people who proudly nurture their obsessions and I especially love working with passionate people.

I started Otaku Journalist because I think being an otaku and being a journalist are two great tastes that go great together, but since then my “reporting” has expanded to include other geek careers, too. You can find my advice, freelance income reports, and geeky miscellany here.

More About Me:

  • I am obsessed with anime and watch about 20 shows a year. My 2016 watched-list includes Hunter x Hunter, Thunderbolt Fantasy, and Yuri!!! On Ice.
  • I met my husband, John, when I joined my college anime club. He was the president. What can I say, I like powerful men!
  • Whenever I really like something, I make a blog about it. Cases in point: my Gunpla blog and my candle blog.
  • When I was 27, I realized my biggest life regret was never learning Japanese, and signed up for classes the same week. I’m now in Japanese 302. It’s never too late!
  • When I was 11, I wrote in my diary, “I want to be a journalist and a computer programmer.” You could say I’m a really good long term planner.
  • The first website I ever coded myself was a shrine to Magus from Chrono Trigger when I was 13. Thankfully it is now offline.
  • I have been designing sites in WordPress for five years, but only recently build my own entirely from scratch. It’s called Asuna.
  • I started Otaku Journalist when I was still in school. Today my favorite part of running it is getting to connect with students and give them the advice I wish I had received.

Where to find me: Facebook | GitHubInstagram | Pinterest | Twitter | Tumblr