For two years now I’ve worked as the press liaison at Anime USA, my local convention in Washington, D.C.
I started volunteering for AUSA because this small convention was the first one to give me a press pass back when I was a college student undertaking my first reporting project. They gave me a chance when they didn’t have to, and I’m glad I’m able to return the favor.
This week marks the week before Anime USA 2012, Nov. 9 through 11 at the Marriott Wardman Woodley Park. As I prepare for the con, I’ll be doling out advice based on my experiences to offer pointers for convention journalists and press liaisons alike.
Check it out if you’re interested in learning about either side of convention press, whether that’s how to getting accepted as press at a convention, or volunteering as a convention liaison yourself.
See you back here tomorrow!
Art by the amazing Kevin Bolk. Check it out in the wild, too.