The Gundam Holiday Shopping Guide


Here’s something I spent a week building for my other blog, Gunpla 101, the Ultimate Gundam Holiday Shopping Guide. There are eight different gift categories for every kind of Gundam gift we could think of! John and I picked stuff like our favorite anime and manga, clothing and lifestyle gifts, and some super-deformed or SD Gunpla that I think would make awesome Christmas tree ornaments.

As long time readers know, I launched Gunpla 101 this spring after learning that an article I wrote on Gundam modeling in 2012 was (and continues to be) the most popular blog post on all of Otaku Journalist. Today, Gunpla 101 makes enough through affiliate linking so that I don’t have to worry about the costs of keeping any of my blogs online.

I keep mentioning on Twitter that I believe affiliate linking to be the most honest, least annoying way to support your sites online—especially if you have an anime, manga, or figure blog and you can link to products you already love. If you have any questions about getting started in affiliate linking, send them to me. I think it’s time I update my how-to.

Photo by Jerry Wong